Kim Se Myung, a medical student from a humble background, ends up tutoring in a rural area during the summer vacation through the introduction of his girlfriend. There, he encounters a beautiful mother, a housemaid, and even a doll-like girl… Overwhelmed by their beauty, he is approached by an enchanting girl who says, “Teacher, do you want to have sex with our mom?”
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List chapters (40)
ch 40.0015/03/2024
ch 39.0015/03/2024
ch 38.0009/03/2024
ch 37.0002/03/2024
ch 36.0002/03/2024
ch 35.0025/02/2024
ch 34.0021/02/2024
ch 33.0021/02/2024
ch 32.0013/02/2024
ch 31.0006/02/2024
ch 30.0006/02/2024
ch 29.0006/02/2024
ch 28.0019/01/2024
ch 27.0019/01/2024
ch 26.0007/01/2024
ch 25.0001/01/2024
ch 24.0030/12/2023
ch 23.0023/12/2023
ch 22.0023/12/2023
ch 21.0023/12/2023
ch 20.0015/12/2023
ch 19.0012/11/2023
ch 18.0006/11/2023
ch 17.0006/11/2023
ch 16.0014/10/2023
ch 15.0010/10/2023
ch 14.0023/09/2023
ch 13.0014/09/2023
ch 12.0010/09/2023
ch 11.0021/08/2023
ch 10.0019/08/2023
ch 9.0013/08/2023
ch 8.0013/08/2023
ch 7.0001/08/2023
ch 6.0024/07/2023
ch 5.0024/07/2023
ch 4.0017/07/2023
ch 3.0014/07/2023
ch 2.0014/07/2023
ch 1.0004/07/2023