“Hanbyul” is a professional unemployed person living a tough life. The share house he moves into is filled with girls who are so strange they pay him to be their boyfriend. Is it okay to have sex with them just because he’s their “boyfriend”?
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List chapters (33)
ch 33.0020/12/2024
ch 32.0016/12/2024
ch 31.0016/12/2024
ch 30.0030/11/2024
ch 29.0025/11/2024
ch 28.0025/11/2024
ch 27.0025/11/2024
ch 26.0025/11/2024
ch 25.0025/11/2024
ch 24.0025/11/2024
ch 23.0025/11/2024
ch 22.0025/11/2024
ch 21.0025/11/2024
ch 20.0023/09/2024
ch 19.0023/09/2024
ch 18.0023/09/2024
ch 17.0018/08/2024
ch 16.0011/08/2024
ch 15.0011/08/2024
ch 14.0030/07/2024
ch 13.0020/07/2024
ch 12.0016/07/2024
ch 11.0016/07/2024
ch 10.0029/06/2024
ch 9.0021/06/2024
ch 8.0016/06/2024
ch 7.0016/06/2024
ch 6.0016/06/2024
ch 5.0016/06/2024
ch 4.0016/06/2024
ch 3.0016/06/2024
ch 2.0016/06/2024
ch 1.0016/06/2024