In a not too distant future, there exists a world-famous virtual reality video game called Lost World. Kang Tae-Young plays this game, however he only fights monsters for his bullies’ entertainment. While farming items for his tormentors’ benefit, he happens to discover a mysterious item… “The seal is being broken – – Yoma’s eyes have been synchronized with the Warrior. ‘ Tae-Young has gained a suspicious ability that helps seduce women! Based on the nature of this ability, if you’re able to successfully dominate women, then wealth and love will follow. From being a Farming slave, through the power of finding an item, his life has now become an erotic adult game fantasy!!
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List chapters (23)
ch 23.0022/04/2024
ch 22.0022/04/2024
ch 21.0022/04/2024
ch 20.0022/04/2024
ch 19.0022/04/2024
ch 18.0021/02/2024
ch 17.0021/02/2024
ch 16.0004/02/2024
ch 15.0003/02/2024
ch 14.0010/01/2024
ch 13.0002/01/2024
ch 12.0002/01/2024
ch 11.0011/12/2023
ch 10.0010/12/2023
ch 9.0026/11/2023
ch 8.0019/11/2023
ch 7.0010/11/2023
ch 6.0005/11/2023
ch 5.0005/11/2023
ch 4.0005/11/2023
ch 3.0005/11/2023
ch 2.0005/11/2023
ch 1.0005/11/2023